Building Your Profile

11:49 PM

  1. 1
    Fill out the Sign Up form. You will need to enter your first and last name, your email address, your birthday, and your gender. You will also need to come up with a password. Facebook accounts are free.
    • You will log in to Facebook with the email address you provide.
  2. Image titled Use Facebook Step 2
    Click the Sign Up button. You will need to enter the captcha phrase to prove you’re human. After clicking Sign Up again, the account creation process will begin.
  3. Image titled Use Facebook Step 3
    Add a friend or two. Before you begin creating your profile, Facebook will suggest people to add as friends. If you don’t recognize them, feel free to skip to the next step of the process. You will then be asked if you want to scan your email accounts for any other Facebook users. Again, you can skip this process if you’d like and just add friends through Facebook itself later.
  4. Image titled Use Facebook Step 4
    Enter in your education and current employer. This is completely optional, but will help others find and connect with you.
  5. Image titled Use Facebook Step 5
    Add a photo of yourself. It’s called Facebook for a reason! You can upload a photo from your computer or take a photo of yourself using your webcam.
  6. Image titled Use Facebook Step 6
    Verify your account. Once you’ve finished the account creation process, you will be taken to your Newsfeed. At the top of the page, you will see a message notifying you that an activation email has been sent to the address you signed up with.[1]
    • Open the email and click on the verification link. You will need to enter the code that is included in the message.
    • Once your account is verified, you can begin using Facebook.
  7. Image titled Use Facebook Step 7
    Fill out the rest of your profile. Click the “Edit Profile link underneath your picture in the top-left corner. Add the information that you want to share. You can add a lot of information to your Facebook account. Some profile options include:
    • Relationship Status
    • Hometown
    • Current Home
    • Favorite Quotes
    • Religious Views
    • Political Views
  8. Image titled Use Facebook Step 8
    Set the privacy options for each piece of information you add. When you add information to your profile, you can click the Privacy button to the right of the entry. This will allow you to choose who can see what you’ve shared. You can share with your Friends, the Public, and specific lists (groups) of friends.

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